

The creator of this blog is a born again Christian and Bible scholar, who believes, the uncompromised Word of God and is dedicated to help fulfill the Great Commission, by going into the whole world, to spread the good news, as Jesus commanded all His followers, past, present and future.

And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone - Mark 16:15

 But this blogger is going into all the world via the web and not physically.

And the main objective of this blog, is to enable Christians to educate themselves on the Word of God, in a simple and easy to understand format and apply it, to their lives, situations, circumstances or issues, anywhere and anytime. In other words, this blog is the Bible-on-the-go, buffet style.

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ said, that mankind needs both natural/physical and spiritual nourishment, to live.

Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every Word, that came from the mouth of God - Matthew 4:4

 Therefore, according to Jesus, the first born again Christian, we need the Word of God, on our daily diet. And if we are going to live by the Word of God, we have to consume it daily or regularly.

This is also true about healing, protection and every other blessing, that we expect from God. We need both natural/physical healing, protection and so on, as well as spiritual healing, protection , etc.

Once again, according to Jesus, we ,cannot depend on medical science. Or natural/physical healing only, but we have to add or combine it, with spiritual healing, which is the Word of God. Medical science has it’s limits, but the Word of God, knows no limits. No disrespect to the medical community, they do the best, that they can and it is much appreciated, but they are humans, created by God, who knows far more than anyone, about the human body, because He created it.

And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead - Colossians 1:18

 Jesus is the firstborn, from spiritual death to spiritual life. All-mankind, past, present and future died spiritually or lost their relationship with God, when Adam, who was the representative, of all-mankind, acted contrary to, what God said or sinned. It is for this reason, that mankind needs to be born again, from spirirual death to spiritual life, because after Adam's high treason, everyone without exception, past present and future, are born physically, but spiritually dead. And if there is a firstborn, from the dead or spiritual death, then there is a second born and so on, all the way to you and me, and everyone else after us.

Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he/she cannot see the kingdom of God - John 3:3

 The Head of the Church and the first born again Christian, Jesus said, everyone must be born again, from spiritual death to spiritual life, in order to access the Kingdom of God and all it’s blessings.

Jesus also died spiritually, when He became our substitute and paid the penalty, for Adam’s and all mankind’s sin. The moment Jesus took on, the sin of all-mankind He died spiritually, but continued to live physically. And as a result of dying spiritually, the door was open for Jesus to die physically and He did. If Jesus had not died spiritually, He could have never died  physically. No one or nothing, could have killed Him. It was impossible for Jesus or Adam to die physically, without first dying spiritually.

If Adam had not rebelled against God or acted against His Word, therefore dying spiritually, Adam would never have died physically. Adam could have lived forever, as well as everyone else after him.

…in the day, that you eat of it, you shall surely die - Genesis 2:17

If Adam was going to ‘surely die’, if he acted contrary to, what God said, that also means, Adam was going to ‘surely not die’, If he remained obedient, to what God said. The moment Adam acted contrary, to what God said, he instantly died spiritually. His relationship with God died, but Adam continued to live physically. And since Adam, was the representative of all-mankind, all-mankind also died spiritually and that’s why mankind needs to be born again. The father/son/daughter relation between Adam and God, and between all-mankind and God ended. God was no longer the provider, the healer, the protector or guide of Adam. Adam was on his own, without the help of God, who had created him. In fact, Adam lived 930 years physically, but spiritually dead.  
And just like Adam, who lived physically, but spiritually dead, most mankind in the world, are alive physically, but Spiritually dead.

 So all the days that Adam lived, were nine hundred and thirty years. And he died - Genesis 5:5

 Jesus, who is the second and last Adam, came to restore or resurrect mankind’s dead relationship with God.

And so it is written: the first Adam, became a living being. The last Adam became a life giving spirit - 1 Corinthians 15:45

 Since Jesus is the last Adam, that means there is no one coming after Him. Jesus is the final and eternal Savior of mankind, who came to give mankind spiritual and eternal life, after all-mankind died spiritually, as a result of Adam’s disobedience.

Physical death is a by-product of spiritual death. Originally, mankind was created to live physically and spiritually forever. But everything changed, when all-mankind through Adam defied God, our creator, therefore allowing death, which is an offspring of sin, to enter the earth.
Anyway, the issue of death, will be explored  further in one of he upcoming posts, entitled ‘Bible 101’.

Now, let’s talk about how you can use this blog and get the most out of it.

It goes without saying, that most people have very busy schedules, between work or business and family, that finding time for the Word of God, is not easy, though very necessary.

So, this blog is for you. No need to worry about not having time or falling behind, in your spiritual life. This blog has you covered and it certainly has your back.

The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that if you confess, with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart, that God raised Him, from the dead, you shall be saved.

For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation - Romans 10:8-10

 The greatest miracle, involving mankind happens, when anyone believes in their heart, what God said and with  their mouth say, what God said! Salvation or the new birth, requires the participation of your heart and your mouth, believing and saying, what God said.
Likewise, God miraculously created the world by believing in His heart and then opening His mouth and saying, what He wanted to happen.
Notice, that nothing happened, until God opened His mouth and said, what He believed in His heart. Also, notice that no one is saved or born again spiritually, unless and until, they believe in their heart, what God said and open their mouth and say, what God said. This is a clear illustration of the importance of believing and saying, what God said.

And this proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, that both God and mankind, can create or re-create, by first believing in their heart and then opening their mouth and saying, what they believe. But obviously God can create or re-create on a much higher level and to a larger extent. Nevertheless mankind can still create or re-create on a junior level!

With this proof and precedent, mankind can re-create their situations, circumstances, issues, fate or destiny, by believing and saying, what God said! If the spoken Word of God, can create the universe, then the same spoken Word of God, can re-create other less complex and minor situations or issues.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation, old things have passed away. Behold all things have become new - 2 Corinthians 5:17

 If you can become a new creation spiritually and have all your negative past wiped away or dead, by believing, what God said, in your heart and saying, what God said, with your mouth, imagine what you can also do, to your situations, circumstances or issues, by following the same formula?

Furthermore, if the human spirit  can be transformed, by believing in the heart, what God said and with the mouth, saying, what God said, why wouldn’t our situations, circumstances or issues, which are inferior compared to the human spirit, also be transformed by the very same method. After all, God used this same method on a higher level, to create the universe! 

 And according to the Bible, meditating on the Word of God, all the time , produces good success, in whatever you do.

This Book of the Law, shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it, day and night, that you may observe to do, according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success - Joshua 1:8

 So, the above scripture says, that the Word of God, must not depart from our mouth, that means we have to continually open our mouth and keep saying it. Notice, how important your mouth is in your spiritual life!

And here are several suggestions, which I believe, you will find helpful, but these are in no way the only one's. And I am sure you can come up, with your own, to add to my short list

 *These days everyone has a cellphone. And while in public, traveling or waiting for something, you can make believe, that you are on the phone talking to someone, but you are actually saying, what God said, so God can do, what God said, for you and yours.

 *Alternatively, you can wear headphones with a speaker piece or microphone, and similarly pretend to be talking to someone, but saying, what God said, so God can do, what God said, for you and yours.

 *While doing house chores, indoors or outdoors, you can say, what God said, so God can do, what God said, for you and yours.

 *Exhausted or sleepy, after work, business or caring for family?  And while lying in bed, you can say, what God said, until you fall asleep, so God can do, what God said, for you and yours.

 *And while showering or dressing up, you can say, what God said, so God can do, what God said, for you and yours.

 *The sick and the dying, can say, what God said, so God can do, what God said, for them, instead of watching TV or listening to the radio, all the time.

 *Anxious or worried? Say and continually say, what God said, about that specific situation, circumstance or issue, so God can do, what God said, for you and yours.

*Also, you can say, what God said, on behalf of someone, a situation or issue, you care about, so God can do, what God said, by substituting the reference to you, in the scripture and inserting a name, a situation or issue.

 *You don't have to be loud, for God to hear you. Almighty God hears the faintest sound. You can whisper or mutter, and God still hears you, loud and clear.

 *It's also very helpful to memorize a few scriptures, that cover or address your situations/circumstances or issues, so you can speak, whisper or mutter them, anywhere and anytime, from memory without reading from any device or any written material.

 *Keep saying, what God said, regardless of how the situations or circumstances, look like or feel like, no matter what's happening or not happening, no matter what day or time it is or what day or time it is not.

The situations, circumstances or issues and everything  around you, are always going to be contrary to what God said. But if you persist inspite of all the opposition and negativity around you, sooner or later, you will be victorious!

Let us hold fast, the confession of our faith, without wavering, for He Who promised is faithful - Hebrews 10:23

 *Every single Word of God, is empowered to do what God said, for whoever believes it and says it. The same mouth of God that said, ‘Let there be light and it was so’ , also said every other Word of God and it is so!

 *Lastly but not least, many thanks for visiting this blog and please share it, with family and friends.

May the Lord God, do for you and yours, what God said, as you continually  believe in your heart, what God said and with your mouth, continually say, what God said.


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